Task Force DELTA activated information

For date 651205

TF DELTA was a US Marine Corps unit
3 MARINE DIV was a US Marine Corps unit
SLF was a US Marine Corps unit
3/3 MARINES was a US Marine Corps unit
Primary service involved, US Marine Corps
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Chu Lai
Description: In preparation for HARVEST MOON, III MAF activated a temporary command codenamed Task Force DELTA commanded by BG Melvin D. Henderson, the ADC of the 3d Marine Division. The 2/7th Marines at Chu Lai and the 3/3d Marines at Da Nang were the first two infantry battalions. A provisional artillery battalion was formed consisted of two 105mm howitzer batteries. Permission was also received to use the SLF. Henderson established his CP near the artillery positions at Que Son. In preparation for LIEN KET-18, the 2d ARVN Division established their CP at Thang Binh with the 1/5th ARVN Regt and the 11th Ranger Battalion. The largest combined operation since the arrival of the Marines was about to begin.

The source for this information was USMC H65 P:101

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023