Battle of Loc Ninh Plantation information
for 2/28 INF
battle of Loc Ninh Plantation

For date 660611

2/28 INF was a US Army unit
3 BDE 1 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Operation EL PASO II
South Vietnam
Description: As part of EL PASO II, elements from 2/28th Inf, 1st Inf Div planned to sweep village #10 in the rubber plantation northwest of Loc Ninh. Their two platoon air assault was delayed for two hours by morning fog and the rest of A Co moved by foot to establish blocking positions. A battalion from the 273d VC Regt, dug-in on a near-by hill, opened fire on the ground unit and the battle was joined. A new LZ was selected to engage the enemy. C Co manuevering to join the battle found more dug-in VC on another hill near-by. After lots of artillery and a sharp fight, C Co took its hill. B Co and a CIDG unit were committed to help A Co and after 18 artillery barrages and 18 air strikes, the first hill was taken in hand to hand fighting. In all 98 VC were killed.

The source for this information was Rise & Fall P:95+, Turned 1st Inf P:49
Rise & Fall = The Rise and Fall of an American Army: U.S. Ground Forces in Vietnam, 1963 - 1973 by Shelby Stanton.

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023