unit history information
for 1 CAV

For date 671225

1 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Binh Dinh Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, LZ ENGLISH
Description: Hank, Thank you so much for printing the article about Christmas Eve 1967 at LZ English and LZ Two Bits. I have been telling the story of the Christmas Carol Copter for years, but always had the feeling that my friends didn't believe me. Your article has given me back some credibility. I was on LZ Two Bits that night, playing cards with my tent mates. When the Huey came over the first time, we had the same reaction as everyone else, surprise and then depression. When he came back the second time there was some desire to "shoot that B#&%!! down", but we restrained ourselves knowing it was done with good intentions. However, there were a few shots from other parts of the LZ. I heard later that the caroling had been arranged by the Division Chaplain. The copter came over our tent on at least two and possibly three separate occasions during that dark and lonely evening. The fireworks that evening were something, but nothing compared to the New Year's Eve celebration the following week. Tracer ammo and flares where hard to find on January 1. SGT Klaus Lachmann HHQ, Div. G-3 DTOC Klaus, There was several hundred of us on those two LZ's who witnessed the events of that evening. Thanks to AC, Tom Johnson, who penned the story, we can all relive and remember that night. And, as you say, add creditability to the event. The first time I ran Tom's story, three years ago, I was besieged by email for days from troopers who had forgotten the event and enjoyed remembering it thanks to Tom and the SABER. The din of the carols being sung across the flat, water-covered rice fields will always echo on my mind. They seemed to bring, for just an instant, a bit of humanity to an insane existence. I'll relay your compliments to Tom and thanks for writing. I'm so glad you enjoy reading the SABER and the "Silver Wings" column. Regards, Hank Llewellyn
Comments: Location = LZ TWO BITS;

The source for this information was SABRE Silver Wings Nov/Dec 2000 Issue

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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