unit history information
for 57 AHC
Tet-68 in Kontum
52 CAB

For date 680131

57 AHC was a US Army unit
52 CAB was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Kontum Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Kontum
Description: The 57th Assault Helicopter Company after action report states between 0230H and 0330H a series of reports from the 24th STZ indicated a severe situation in their compound. NVA/VC forces, estimated at 150, were over running their perimeter and final bunkers were occupied. The 105mm battery was reported to be infiltrated and possibly in enemy hands. The 57th was notified that MACV and B-24 compounds were being overrun. Gunships dispatched and engaged the NVA forces along the wire defenses at which time they withdrew. Zone notified the 57th of a confirmed NVA force of 300 - 500 located 2000 meters to the east of the 57th compound. The Senior Advisor, 24th STZ declared a tactical emergency in an effort to obtain additional gunships and TAC air support. The 57th was advised that zone communications were out and requested to relay the situation and declaration to II Corps HQ through the 52d CAB. Enemy forces infiltrated ARVN forces defending the south side of Kontum Airfield and were within hand grenade range of the southern perimeter. Gunships were employed and a low pass with searchlights on indicated seven bodies along the fence. Steady but light contact was maintained on the east and west perimeter between 1900 and 2400.
Comments: MAJ Burnison, George E.; 57th AHC CO; ;

The source for this information was 57th AHC After Action Report dated 5 Feb 68

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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