joint operation DUONG CUA DAN information
for 1 BDE 9 INF

From date 680317 to 680730

1 BDE 9 INF was a US Army unit
7 ARVN DIV was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, Vietnamese Army
Dinh Tuong Province, IV Corps, South Vietnam
Description: Operation DUONG CUA DAN (People's Road) provided security and improvements to Route 4 from the III Corps boundary south through Dinh Tuong Province to the Mekong River. The 1st Brigade, 9th Inf Div provided security for US Army engineer companies making repairs and improvements to bridges and roadway. The GVN organized 10 new Regional Force companies to assume responsibility for continuing security and maintenance. The 7th ARVN Div also had elements involved in the operation. On 23 May, Operation TRUONG CONG DINH was combined into DUONG CUA DAN. Totals for DUONG CUA DAN: U.S. 28 KIAs and 205 WIAs, 1 MIA; enemy 231 KIAs. Totals for the combined operations: U.S. 225 KIAs, 1,299 WIAs, 1 MIA; enemy 2,477 KIAs.

The source for this information was Rand; Chron P:70

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023