Battle of Tan Hiep information
for 1 INF DIV
1/18 INF
1/4 CAV

For date 680504

1 INF DIV was a US Army unit
1/18 INF was a US Army unit
1/4 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Operation TOAN THANG
South Vietnam
Location, Tan Hiep
Description: As part of TOAN THANG, in the morning, D/1/18th Inf, 1st Inf Div engaged an estimated VC bn at Tan Hiep, two miles north of Di An. Air and arty supported and at noon A & B/1/18th and A & B/1/4th Cav reinforced. The ACAVs and M48 tanks pushed to the front of the battle giving D/1/18th a chance to regroup with the other infantry units and prepare for the afternoon thrust which would complete the task of wiping out about 75% of a VC bn. The fighting ended at 2100 when the Big Red One units returned to Di An. This battle cost member of the Dong Nai VC Rgmt 245 KIAs and 5 POWs.

The source for this information was Turner 1st Inf P:27 & 51; Chron P:73

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023