Battle of Loc Ninh III information
for 1 INF DIV
A-331 SF DET
2/11 CAV

From date 680818 to 680823

1 INF DIV was a US Army unit
A-331 SF DET was a US Army unit
2/11 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Binh Long Province, III Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Loc Ninh
Description: At 0100H a composite NVA battalion bombarded the SF CIDG camp with mortars, recoilless rifles, and rockets. The A-331 Special Forces Det was based at the camp. Poor weather hampered air support and on the following night a reinforced NVA company attacked the northwest corner. This attack was driven back. The enemy dug in on nearby Hill 178. The 1st Inf Div sent the 1/2nd Inf and the 2/11th Cav (which was OPCONed to the 1st Inf Div). After a week of fighting, the NVA and their bunker complex were destroyed. The NVA lost 200 in this battle. In the SF camp, the casualties were KIA: 4 CIDG, WIA: 1 SF, 1 LLDB, 24 CIDG and the NVA had 61 confirmed dead.

The source for this information was Turner 1st Inf P:27 & 51; Green berets at War P:202

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023