unit history information
for 174 AHC
16 CAG

For date 681214

174 AHC was a US Army unit
16 CAG was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Chu Lai
Description: The FALCON newsletter for the 16th CAG contained an article titled "174th Claims 7 Enemy KIA." What follows in an edited version of the material. Shark gunships of the 174th AHC reporting killing seven enemy soldiers in early morning action north of the Song Vea River. Shark 590, 1LT Robert R. Gamber, Collingswood, NJ, was trying to locate the source of hostile fire directed toward an ARVN camp which was taking mortar and light weapons fire. After arriving at the scene, Shark 590 saw two enemy soldiers firing from positions outside the perimeter and killed them. While flying around the camp, they came upon a river that emptied into a small pond. The gunner spotted a head bob to the surface in the pond and then submerge. Going down to investigate, the gunship crew saw four enemy in the pond and killed them. The last kill resulted after the gunner saw still another enemy leaving the area around the pond. Including these seven, the 174th have accounted for 1,025 enemy killed since June, 1966.
Comments: 1LT Gamber, Robert R.; Shark 590; ;

The source for this information was The FALCON Newsletter 22 Dec 68

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023