unit history information
for 119 AHC
101 ABN

For date 700510

119 AHC was a US Army unit
101 ABN was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Pleiku Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, LZ WILDCAT
Description: The 119th unit history states that the Gators are back resupplying around the local area of Cambodia again and the Crocs on station at Plei Djereng. The 4th Inf Div troops and its elements were being resupplied with emergency supplies of class V, C rations and water. The 101st Airborne, wildcats, were also being resupplied. One of the wildcat elements located two KM east of their major unit came into heavy contact with a large sized NVA unit as Gator 354, piloted by WO Sumey, was inbound with resupplies. Gator 354 was hit from all sides with heavy automatic weapons as it provided the ground elements with suppressive air to ground fire with M60's on board. It wasn't long before Gator 365, 408, and 108 were orbiting the contact area to assist Gator 354. Croc 6 and Croc 3 expended their ordinance on the well fortified enemy position setting six hooches on fire. The wildcat element needed reinforcement as they had already lost seven and numerous wounded. On the insertion of reinforcements 25 meters from the enemy positions, Gator 408, piloted by CPT Gibson, was on short final when his ship encountered a barrage of enemy fire. CPT Gibson managed to get the aircraft out of the LZ with 5900 RPM and with fluctuating instruments. First pilot, WO McGee, was injured when a round went through his leg requiring immediate attention. Losing power and instrument readings, CPT Gibson force landed his aircraft in an open area 300 meters NE of the proposed LZ with Gator 624 piloted by WO Roussell, and 108 piloted by WO Oliver right behind 408 to extract the crew. WO McGee was medevaced out and the aircraft was secured with troops on board each ship.
Comments: WO Sumey; 119 AHC AC; ; CPT Gibson; 119 AHC AC; ; WO McGee; 119 AHC 1P; WIA; WO Roussell; 119 AHC AC; ; WO Oliver; 119 AHC AC; ;

The source for this information was 119th Sup Hist by CW2 Oliver & W01 Wiggin (covered 1970)

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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