More detail on this person: I noticed you do not have this photo while doing research for our son
Victor Adams who was born at Beach Army Hospital while Hank was in flight school. I am trying to
gather info for our Son & Grandson that I can't remember or have lost over the years. My Father had
all Hank's medals framed for him & they've been lost. I know Hank received a Purple Heart when he
received shrapnel in his leg while flying and was in a hospital in Da Nang also a distinguished air
medal: I believe awarded 11/68 near Chu Lai. Upon returning from Vietnam 2/69 we were at Ft Bragg
where Hank completed his military service, he was a Capt. attached to Special Forces. If possible,
could you please let me know who to contact for information on medals Hank received or any
information about Hank's military career his Son & Grandson could have? Hank passed away 12/5/95
and I am just trying to get some memories for my Son to have. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
From: Susan Adams