CPT Kent G. Averett was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 06/19/2013 at the age of 76.7
St. George, UT
Flight Class 63-3T
Date of Birth 09/22/1936
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by Sammie Williams

More detail on this person: Kent G. Averett passed peacefully, surrounded by loved ones in his home on June 19, 2013, in St. George, Utah.

Kent was born Sept. 22, 1936, to Grant "Fritz" Averett and Louie Lindsay Averett in Heber, Utah. Growing up in Heber, Kent was always surrounded by loving family. He was gifted in athletics and loved the outdoors. Kent was involved in basketball, football and tennis. Kent joined the junior ROTC during high school and continued after graduation.

He married Judith Marie Schnabel on April 16, 1960, in Los Angeles. He took great pride in the large family they raised together. He is survived by his wife and eight children: Neal, Leslie (Thomas), Suzanne (Hemsath), Scott, Nancy (Milles), Lizabeth, Paul and Derek. Kent also has 23 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

His ROTC unit was activated in 1961, with the "Berlin wall crisis." While active, he decided to take helicopter training in the U.S. Army Air Corp. He stayed in the army for six years, serving a tour in Vietnam.

After leaving the army, he became a civilian helicopter instructor at Fort Wolters, Texas. He was honorably discharged in 1968.

In 1969, Kent moved his family to Fairbanks. He got a job as a pilot with Era Helicopters during the building of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline. Kent flew workers and equipment all over the state.

He developed a tremendous love for all the great beauty Alaska offers. Later, Kent became a real estate broker. He purchased a piece of property in North Pole.

Kent and Judy then became co-owners of Roads End RV Park. Kent and Judy loved caring for all the travelers and maintaining the RV Park. Kent always loved Alaska and the wonderful people he met there. He was a friend to all he met. Kent was active religiously and community minded. He was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was active in the church his entire life.

He served in many church positions including first counselor in the Fairbanks, Alaska Stake presidency and as a full-time missionary in the West Central States Mission. He was also active in the community through the Boy Scouts of America and coaching youth basketball.

Preceding him in death were parents, Grant and Louie, and sister, Linda. In addition to Kent and Judy's Family, he is survived by brother, Eric, and sister, Christine.

His funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. June 25, 2013, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 166 South Main Street, St. George, Utah. A viewing will be held one hour prior to services.

Condolences may be shared at mcmillanmortuary.com.

Published in Daily News-Miner on June 23, 2013

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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