CPT Scott Robinson Alwin was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 06/26/1976 at the age of 31.9 from Auto accident
Ft Atkinson, WI
Flight Class 67-11
Date of Birth 08/11/1944
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 68 AHC in 67-70, 117 AHC in 71-72
This information was provided by Howard Smith, Walter L. Fricke, Ed Strazzini, 145 CAB Assoc,

More detail on this person: Auto accident caused by drunk driver in 1976. Logged almost 5000 hours in Vietnam. Mrs. Walter Alwin mother of Capt. Scott R. Alwin, 14575 Naugart Dr., Athens, WI 54411

Our son Scott flew helicopters in Nam for five and a half years. I long to hear something from those men he flew with. Killed by a drunk driver shortly after being appointed to the War College on his way up to Washington D. C. by a fellow committing suicide. Scott had 207 air medals, DFC, purple hearts, Vietnam Repubic medals. etc. all with oakleaf clusters. Please--did you know our Scott?

Scott was in the 68th from mid 67 thru mid 70 continuously except for his extension leaves. returned to VN in Jan 71 in the 119th AHC for at least an additional year. He was probably the highest time aviator in the war. I have not heard of anyone who can top his stats.

From: Howard Smith 68th AHC 69-70

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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