CW2 James R Anderson was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 06/08/1997 at the age of 62.9
Dothan, AL
Date of Birth 07/27/1934
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by David M. Anderson (son)

More detail on this person: I am the son of CWO-04 James R. Anderson, Jr; deceased. He was drafted & re-enlisted. The time from his conscription to grounding by Army flight surgeons while on contract w/ Doss or Flight Safety International was 36 years. He was stationed in: Ft Monmouth, Arlington (post name ?), Rockville, MD (post name ?), Kaiserslautern, Ft Knox, Okinawa, 2 tours in Vietnam, Ft Belvoir, Ft Rucker, Camp Rucker, ROK (He went to Korea twice, but I've verified Camp Rucker as his station for only one tour) ...Back to Ft Rucker for the remainder. In that approximate order. He may have served in other locales.

In his 128th Avn Co (AH) flight jacket I found a Military Flight Plan and Flight Weather Briefing from April 17, 1976 for aircracft serial no 68-15167. This documentation post-dates the last entry on page by a few months.

Please accept and/or forward my enthusiastic thanks to the creator of the above page. From the documents: Departure ETD: 0015, Dest/ETA: 0445, From KSB to KTG, Home stattion: KSB, Distance to dest: 130, Esimated true airspeed: 110 Visibility at flight level outside clouds 1 miles due to haze, fog. The number of flight hours on the aircraft is either not recorded on these two documents, or is not obvious to me. The plan's remarks section contains the writing 'GT KTG2100 Total 4130'. My father's signature appears in the section 'signature of approving authority'. Please let me know if there is additional information from the documents that could be useful to you. I can arrange to scan these if desired.

From: David M. Anderson

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

Please send additions or corrections to: VHPA Headquarters

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