CPT Wesley B Anderson was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 01/01/1988 at the age of 43.8 (Exact date not known.)
Fort Worth, TX
Flight Class 66-15
Date of Birth 03/16/1944
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 608 TC CO in 69
This information was provided by Ryan S. Anderson (son), SSN Deceased search

More detail on this person: Wes was a Captain when I worked for him in 1969. I think he flew with the Playboys, but I can't remember their unit designation. He was the maintenance platoon leader in the 608th Transportation Company, a helicopter direct support company. Hell of a nice guy. Obviously died too young. From: Jeremy Potrat

Wes Anderson was a super nice guy. When I knew him (1968) we were IPs at Wolters and flew in Major Gonzales' flight out at the new heliport in the boonies..., We were CW2s then, I was sent to AMOC at Ft Eustis and he was still at Wolters when I returned to RVN for second tour. Saw him again about three years later in PA (he was working for Sikorsky (United Technologies)) and having the time of his life flying the UH-60 prototypes. He is missed.!! From: Nelson Perez. Wrecker 6

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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Date posted on this site: 08/31/2024

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