WO1 Bruce Charles Bridge was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 11/06/2021 at the age of 73.2 from Heart condition
Mesa, AZ
Flight Classes 69-37 and 69-35
Date of Birth 08/15/1948
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 191 AHC in 69-70
Call sign in Vietnam BOUNTY HUNTER 48
This information was provided by Tom Lasser

More detail on this person: Service at Riverside National Cemetery on Monday Dec 13 at 9:45 Submitted to VHPA and written by CW4 Tom Murphy Bridge, Bruce C. USA; Flight Class 69-37 RVN: 1969-70 UNIT: 191st AHC CALLSIGN: Bounty Hunter 48 Bruce Bridge made his approach to his final LZ on 6 November 2021. He died from a massive bacterial heart infection. Born in Dayton, OH, on 15 Aug 1948, Bridge joined the U.S. Army on 12 Sep 1967. Upon graduation from WORWAC 69-37 as a warrant officer, he was assigned to Viet Nam to fly with the 191st AHC at Can Tho. Starting in UH-1D transports for five months, he then switched to UH-1 C & M gunships with the Bounty Hunters for the remainder of his combat tour. Bruce was a unit IP for the INFANT NETT at Phu Loi, RVN. Upon release from active duty at Fort Stewart, GA, on 1 Apr 1971, he joined the California Army National Guard (CNG) at Los Alamitos, CA and flew mostly gunships with Troop D, 1/18 Cavalry. Away from aviation, he was an instructor in map reading and weapons for some years at the California Military Academy, the state OCS. He retired after mor than30 years of service as a CW4. Bridge worked as a law enforcement officer, commercial and police pilot, and full-time employee for the CNG. He was a character and will be missed.

Burial information: Riverside National Cemetery

This information was last updated 12/13/2021

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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