WO1 Charles "Chuck" Brda was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 07/17/2006 at the age of 56.7 from Lung disease
Chipley, FL
Flight Classes 69-21 and 69-19
Date of Birth 11/20/1949
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 240 AHC in 69-70, USASFT in 73-74
Call sign in Vietnam GREYHOUND 10
This information was provided by Felix Bates

More detail on this person: Chuck Brda

Dear Brothers of the 240th AHC: With my deepest condolences to the Brda family, I would like to inform you that one of are Aviators has passed. Chuck Brda died on July 17, 2006. Chuck's loving sister, Bonnie, told me that he served in the 240th in 1969-70. Chuck's career went on to span 21 years in the United States Army before he retired. Bonnie told me that Chuck was very proud of his service to his country. Please find a letter written to me from his sister, Bonnie.

I would like to share some things about my brother. His last address was Chipley, FL. Chuck is survived by a son, Charley, and two sisters, and I can not forget his loving and faithful Sheltie, Jay-Jay. Chuck had been ill with a lung disease. He retired in January of 2004 and moved to Florida from Chicago. He joined the army in 1968 and went to Viet Nam for a year, 1969-1970. Chuck came home with two purple hearts and distinguished flying medal. He was assigned to Ft Rucker for 1 yr. He then over his long career as a Pilot he saw a lot of different Country's. Thailand., Germany, Korea, and Panama. He had 2 jobs flying helicopters. after his retirement. He loved flying but had too give it up because of his health. Maybe someone that reads this can share their experiences they had with my brother and fill in the blanks about his time served with the 240th AHC. I hope this helps and thank you for doing this for me and the rest of Chuck's family.

If any of the Brothers remember Chuck, please e-mail his sister Ms. Bonnie at I am sure she would love to hear from you. She was trying to remember which year he served with the 240th. I'm sure from the roster I have it was 1969-70. One of the reasons these 240th AHC websites were put up was to keep the 240th Brothers and their families informed and a lot of work went into them. This allows us as 240th AHC Brothers to save and have our memories live on and to never forget what each of us did for each other while serving as Brothers in Arms. Once again my deepest condolences to the Brda Family. May his memory always be remembered God Bless all of you,

From: Paul"Frenchy"LaChance 67-68 240th AHC

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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