More detail on this person: Jerome Boyle, former cop, author of "Apache Sunrise" about life in A
Troop in 1970-71, call sign Apache 24, gave it up early this morning, at the nursing home in Montana
where he'd been for several months. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Jerry had been in decline for a long time, wasting away physically as well as mentally, so maybe the
fact he died peacefully with Andrea at his side is something to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving
Day, but it's a sad, sad thing just the same. Jerry was always just a little bit larger-than-life,
with his red hair and booming voice, and the world was a better place for his having lived in it.
Details are below, in the message from John Bartlett. Funeral arrangements are still TBD, but Bart
did supply the following address for those who might wish to offer condolences to Andie and family.
Andrea Boyle and Family
P O Box 1142
Marion, MT 59925
From: Jim Kurtz, Apache 03, 1970-71
P.S. Jerry also flew in Bravo Troop. When the squadron was standing down, he extended for six
months and flew Cobras in B Troop, which stayed behind when the rest of the squadron came back to
Fort Hood.
Sad news on a Thanksgiving morning. Andrea called me here in Oregon to let me know Jerry died at
around 6 am this morning. She had been with him until nearly midnight and had gone to the hotel for
the night. She said he seemed to be ok but at 4 am she was called in. He died a couple hours later
and Andrea was with him.
Right now she isn't sure when there will be services or what the whole family will want to do. She
thought maybe something would be lined up a week from this Saturday. I'll let you know after all
the kids and Andrea make their decisions. I do know that Jerry wished to be cremated and that will
be done.
John Williams, Apache 38 was coming to Whitefish to visit with Jerry the first part of Dec. I will
call John right now and let him know the sad news. I don't have all the troop email addresses in
this new lap top so Jim, please put out the word. I would have sent this to all the guys I know who
served with Jerry so let them know that I am now thinking of them too! We lost a great guy and
friend. Bart
From: John "Bart" Bartlett