More detail on this person: This is to inform you of the death of Major Walter M. Bergmann, USA
retired on 4 February 1917. Wally, known to his many friends as" The Great White Whale" deployed
with the 174th Assault Helicopter Company in 1966 as a "Dolphin" in the 1st Platoon " and
subsequently flew as a "Pelican" Section Commander with the 2nd Platoon of the 161st Assault
Helicopter Company out of Lane Army Airfield. He is interned at Florida National Cemetery,
Bushnell, FL. A great guy, and super teacher for a new aviator like me who arrived in country
straight out of RWQC with 30 hours of H-13E&G time.
From: Howard "Flash" Born
Burial information: Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, FL
This information was last updated 03/02/2017
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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025
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