CPT Jerry "Casper TFG" D. Bible was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 12/25/2021 at the age of 84.9
Kerrville, TX
Flight Class 58
Date of Birth 01/21/1937
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps
Served in Vietnam with VMF-314 in 62, HMM-363 in 67, 1 MAW in 67
Call sign in Vietnam CASPER TF GHOST
This information was provided by Barbara Bible

More detail on this person: Jerry Dale (JD) Bible was born, as his mother described, ''in the middle of one of the coldest Oklahoma snowstorms'' on January 21, 1937, to James Foy Houston Bibles of Weatherford, Texas and Edna Mae Wagonseller, Marlow, Oklahoma. JD was named after his Uncle J. D. a WWII Hero. His mother was born in the Oklahoma Indian Territory in a covered wagon. Jerry was the youngest of five children, Iris Bibles Reuss, Glenn Devon Bibles, Mildred Idarene Bibles Bird and Betty Lou Bibles Graham who all predecease him. Jerry descends from a true American pioneer family history starting in the 1600's in Virginia, Tennessee and Texas with a treasure trove of childhood and adult memories passed on to his family. God held out his hand and ''Welcomed Home'' another Marine, into his loving hands on 25 December 2021, dying peacefully, surrounded by love in his sleep after a courageous decades long fight from his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. In his final decades of fighting Agent Orange, he was surrounded in love by his beloved wife Barbara Bible of 48 years. His loving daughter Liz Bible Painter (Captain USMC-Iraqi War), son in law retired USMC Major Stephen Painter (Iraq twice and Afghanistan) and granddaughters Catie, Bree and Abby. He leaves behind a grieving family who truly will miss him and truly loved him. A private celebration, surrounded by his loving family and friends, will be held in honor of JD's life. One of his wife's fondest memories of JD was years before the James Bond movie Spectre came out, JD strapped me into the co-pilot's seat of the acrobatic helicopter BO-105 in full harness, checking to make sure it was tight. I figured that something was going on with that smile on his face. Taking off just like the helicopter scene in Spectre (I think the movie stole the flying scenes from him minus the flare gun. No real Pilot would shoot of a flare inside a cockpit!), watching the landing strip fade away from under my feet, JD performed all the moves that were in the movie minus the fight. To this day, that is one of my favorite memories of JD in his natural element of flying and sense of humor! God bless and keep you flying forever. A daughter's memories of her father. My father was someone who was always able to find both the humor in life, and curiosity about everything around him. Music, science, language, there was always more to see, more to learn, and something new to try. As a father and grandfather, he always went out of his way to bring the unexpected, such as playing Bach for his grandchildren on a ukulele. He was always ready with a hug or a laugh, to share a love of birdwatching, or bring everyone outside with a pair of binoculars to learn about astronomy. He taught about flight, about airplanes and helicopters, and would tell long stories about anthropology and biblical history. An accomplished artist, he always had a sketchbook in hand. Endlessly curious about the universe and history, he passed that love of life and the world onto his family. Like their grandfather, his grandchildren have books full of sketches of things that they have seen and been curious about in the world around them. JD was stationed in 1966-67 in one of the most heavily sprayed Agent Orange areas, along with so many of our Vietnam Veterans. My husband is another unrecognized death of a Combat Veteran from the Vietnam War. When you see a Vietnam Veteran or any Veteran, always say ''Welcome Home'' as too many were spit on, openly called baby killers and Veterans are treated poorly even to the present day! It was the politicians who should have been spit on, not our brave Veterans who were sent there. There needs to be a Vietnam War Wall for the numerous unacknowledged and unknown Veterans who died and are dying of Agent Orange! A special shout out to New Century Hospice for holding our family close to their hearts, their fighting spirit, special care to Veterans and getting my husband placed while the VA dragged their feet_saying he was not eligible for long term care/hospice_Politicians need to pay attention as Veterans Vote. The great United States Navy Seal Chris Kyle, in front of hundreds called my husband his hero and thanked our daughter for saving lives in Iraq. Many friends will miss him, especially Faye Freeman, who helped take care of him for five years and made him laugh all the time. Thank you to Charlie Alleson, Dr. Christopher Bogaev, Dr. Byerly, VA Dr. Llanos and so many more who were indispensable in my husband's life. JD moved to Corona, California when he was five years old during the Depression where his father found employment. JD graduated from Corona High School, attended Chapman College and entered the United States Marine Corps where he studied and became a Fighter Pilot at Pensacola Naval Station, Florida. JD accumulated more than 16,000 hours in flight time in Fighters and helicopters (37 different aircraft) and a proud member of the Quiet Bird Men. As a Fighter Pilot flew in VMF (aw) 513, 542, 314. JD flew Night Fighters and Air Defense Command in Japan, was a Safety Officer, Instructor Pilot, Legal Officer studying Civil and Military Law. I have chosen to use in many areas my husband's own words. ''_ Attended Naval Flight School at age 20. Graduated at top of class (Instrument and Combat training) at age 21. First assignment and overseas duty was in fighters VMF 314, was in Japan, Okinawa, Philippines, Thailand and on carrier, etc. Flew a lot of night and instrument interceptions of intruding foreign aircraft. Later, flight instructor, Safety Officer, Legal Officer (studied Law via U. Penn.), etc., was also trained in Special Ops involved and trained with Force Recon and SEALs. I also had association with friends in Air America in Laos, Special Forces, Marine Force Recon, Anglico, etc.'' JD transitioned into Helicopters due to a shortage of helicopter pilots. As a Vietnam Combat Helicopter Pilot flew in Squadrons HMM-363, 362, 1st ANGLICO, ALO, FAC, (attended special schools in San Diego, El Centro, Dallas, etc.), Instructor Pilot, Linguist, VN. ANGLICO--Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company in 1st MAW and Linguist Vietnamese attending Language School-- toi noi tieng Vietnam. ''Learned to fly helicopters, flew as the only military SAR helicopter rescue in Hawaii. In a pre-Vietnam Rescue in the Black Gorge, Maui, Nominated Aviator of the Year. A Search and Rescue team was stranded on ledge of cliff, in clouds, about 1000 ft. high. Rescued the team. Blades of helicopter were about 1 ft. from cliff side when I got them board the aircraft. Clouds closed in immediately. Copilot informed me that he was closing his eyes as he did not want to see it! Received Letters of Appreciation for actions from Gen. Victor Krulak and Hawaiian Search and Rescue.'' ''Good memory of General Victor Krulak, I was on his staff. Recall him getting out of his seat, rolling down the rear window, and leaning out of the car to return my salute. His car was still in movement.'' JD was eventually sent to Vietnam. He was shot down three times in Vietnam flying into hot zones delivering supplies and taking out the wounded, saving hundreds. ''_Saw lots of death, including friend and distant cousin. Learned that friend who replaced me was KIA within 30 minutes, while I was still packing for next assignment_'' ''_landed on Marble Mountain with one wheel on the rock to load and unload_'' ''Dropping off Force Recon troops on top of small hill in VN, about 500 ft. high, with sheer sides. Could only put one wheel on hill, because hill was too narrow to land on. Aircraft was basically airborne when troops were unloaded. Also, below ground at facility next to Laos. '' JD was involved in several actions during which the Medal of Honor was awarded. As one of the last to provide protection flying over Medal of Honor Staff Sgt. Howard's position, JD was invited to the Commissioning of the USS Howard and met Howard's family. JD's Crew Chief, Larry Powell (who also died of Agent Orange) told me that he would fly to hell and back with him. JD was an active member in Masonry. As a youth he was in De Molay. Master of his local Lodge, Chapter and Council President, High Priest, Grand Royal Arch Chapter of TX Cornerstone Award, Knights Templar Commander, Knight Mason, Hill Country Shrine Club president, Hill Country Scottish Rite Club President, San Antonio Scottish Rite-KCCH (Knight Commander Court of Honor) Wise Master of Rose Croix (one of 4 Offices) and Completed Master Craftsman, almost completed (27th degree) Master Craftsman II. He refused a Masonic funeral. JD wrote this. ''There is a difference between Leaders and Dictators! For example, our President and Congress are elected primarily to be Leaders and represent the people for a good and stable life. A Dictator in various Nations and locally, Dictates his will and the people obey or suffer the penalty, i.e., prison, death, financial woes, shunning, refusal to resolve problems, etc. As Americans, we should be living in a culture of LEADERSHIP. But here are a few that believe that they are Self Appointed Dictators or a group hereof. HOA is one of the many in the Dictator World. Obviously, the real issue is whether the HOA is run according to the desires and will of ALL the members not just the Dictates of a self-appointed few and not above the law!!!'' If anyone should have their Rights defended, it's OUR Combat Veterans, who defended others with their blood, guts, and gained permanent emotional traumas to defend us. These veterans rose to protect the Rights of others, only later to see those who did not stand up, abandon them when they were needed most. Remember those politicians who proudly pound their chest, lying that they stand up for our Veterans who go to War, Veterans who are either killed, or suffer lifelong mental and physical damage. Nor, the unremorseful and unapologetic, once a year flag wavers who proudly state that they support our Veterans, only to turn their back later. No false repeated statement by politicians of STOLEN VALOR THAT THEY DEFEND VETERANS. LIARS! Hear that Belew, Murr, Buckingham, Chip Roy, Patrick and Abbot never stood up for my husband, nor did they reply to numerous letters seeking help in the State and Federal Violations denying my husband his Power of Attorney, on tape, designating his former Iraqi Combat Veteran Captain Liz Painter to represent him at our Homeowners Association. Thank you, Department of Justice standing up for a Veteran when no one in Texas would, telling them that they faced possible 15 years in Federal Prison! Remember these Texas ''politicians'' when you vote! In fact and in deed, they do not, as JD's Homeowners Association ON TAPE denied him his legal Power of Attorney in appointing his Iraqi War decorated combat Veteran daughter, who is also VA disabled to represent him in a 31 propertied HOA Annual Meeting. Leaders and others who calculatedly and sanctimoniously fail to support our Veterans basic civil rights and actively deny their civil/property rights. We have even received death threats in emails sent to all HOA Homeowners! Texas politicians need to protect all Homeowners from the protections afforded the HOA Directors and protect Homeowners with State enforcement of laws! So please think and research who you vote for, it matters. We are Independents!

This information was last updated 01/24/2022

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Date posted on this site: 08/31/2024

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