More detail on this person: I am Mrs.Bruce N. Barker. Bruce was killed in a mid-air helicopter
crash on 18 Octerber 1982 Bruce was flying one person Milton Leblanc to a platform in theGulf of
Mexico, 30 miles off shore. From what I was told a helicopter from Petroleum Helicopters flew up
into him. That helicopter was being flown by a Winston Morris who just dropped off a person on an un
manned oil rig.Bruce was flying for Air Logistics Helicopter company out of Lafayette, Louisiana.
Bruce loved his job, was very happy how they treated him and so was I. Air Log was a great company.
I hope they are stil doing well.There was never any blame put on either pilots .The only ones who
knew who messed up are gone. The only piece of Bruce our 11 year old son and I got was Bruces's
wallet floating to the top of the oil slick. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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I don't even know how I got to this web site tonite, but I do want to say that Bruce N. Barker was a
good, honorable man. If there are any of the pilots and personnel out there that worked with him or
knew Bruce, I sure would like to talk to them, he is still missed after 25 1/2 years.
Gordy Hine and my husband Bruce were best friends. Bruce met Gordy at Astro Aviation. Bruce had
started before Gordy. Needless to say they were more like brothers than friends and both liked a
"few toddies". Gordy went to Air Logistics after Astro Aviation closed and Gordy got Bruce hired at
Air Log. We moved to the same area that Gordy lived and the nights (sometimes days) of toddies and
stories they told!!!! How I wish I could remember more of their stories. We were all best friends.
Gordy was always my best friend and still is, I miss him so much. I had the good fortune to go to
Lafayette, La. in September 2006 and was met by Gordy at the airport. We were able to have some
wonderful visits and talks and laugh about some of the stuff he and Bruce pulled off.
From: Donna Barker