CW2 James W Burns was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 10/15/1971 at the age of 27.2 from A/C accident
Haddon Heights, NJ
Flight Class 66-3
Date of Birth 08/12/1944
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 1 CAV in 66-67
This information was provided by John Lopez Jr, Nick Ward, SSN deceased search

More detail on this person: Served in West Germany and Vietnam, later was a pilot in Gulf of Mexico. Survivors: child, Munich Germany. His family would like to know more about Jimmy's brave service in Vietnam.

From: Nick Ward

NTSB report: Flying Cessna 150 N6749G locally out of Concord, NH. The pilot departed the Concord Airport on a 1 hr flight to practice touch & goes. The aircraft did not return & the aircraft was reported stolen on 19 Oct. The Civil Air Patrol conducted a search of the area around Andover where a witness reported seeing an aircraft vanish behind a grove of trees. The wreckage was spotted on a ledge of a mountain by an aircraft searching for another missing plane, near Henniker, NH. The pilot's remains were recovered on 13 May 1972. It was reported in the media the pilot had been denied a medical certificate due to psychiatric history on 15 Oct 1971. The NTSB could find no mechanical cause for the accident. CFI pilot James Burns, 29 with 1902 flight hrs was a former US Army helicopter flight instructor & a Vietnam War helicopter pilot with the 1 CAV DIV. The airplane was registered to Fern Flying Service of Concord, NH.

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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