CW4 Ralph G Battle was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 02/10/1977 at the age of 38.2 from A/C accident
Miami, FL
Date of Birth 11/30/1938
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 128 AHC in 65-66
This information was provided by Barry Geller, Larry Clark

More detail on this person: CWO Battle is one of seven presumed killed when their Beechcraft U-21A (67-18081) plane disappeared without a trace near Cook Inlet while en route from Elmendorf to King Salmon.

A/C disappeared near Cook Inlet while enroute from Elmendorf to King Salmon. Pilot was checking out the co-pilot as the copilot was new in Alaska. Tapes indicate the crew attempted to contact Anchorage Center for a higher altitude; however, they apparently did not climb to a higher altitude prior to reaching a crossing altitude. A/C was in complete IMC conditions. Nothing was found of the occupants, nor of the aircraft despite a massive search conducted by aircraft, mountain climbers, and intelligence aircraft.

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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Date posted on this site: 08/31/2024

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