More detail on this person: Timothy Lee Young Cowan
Timothy Lee Young Cowan was born February 4, 1951 in Seattle, Washington to Jack and Bobbie
Imogene Young. When he was eight years old his mother was killed when her car went into Puget
Sound in Seattle. His uncle and aunt, N.L. Cowan Jr. and Wanda Cowan took him to Cleburne, Texas
for the funeral of his mother. He was adopted by his maternal grandparents, N.L. Cowan, Sr. and
MedaBelle Cowan. He attended Cleburne Public Schools until his grandparents moved to Naselle,
Washington where he finished his junior and senior year. He graduated in 1968 from Naselle High
School where his uncle N.L. Cowan, Jr. was principal.
He served in the U.S. Army as a helicopter pilot in Korea in the early 1970s. He was killed in a
plane crash near Merida, Mexico on the Yucatan peninsula on March 22, 1984. He is survived by his
son, Timothy Shawn Cowan, his grandmother MedaBelle Cowan, and his uncle and aunt N.L. Cowan Jr.
and Wanda Cowan and two cousins, Cindi and Janis Cowan. He was interred in the Cowan family plot in
Rose Hill Cemetery, Cleburne, Texas.
Tim was a classmate of mine in 71-41 & I later served with him in Korea but he did not go to
Vietnam. Burial information: Rosehill Cemetery, Cleburne, TX
This information was last updated 03/08/2018
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From: John M. Harris