CPT Roger K. Cook was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 01/20/2003 at the age of 64.4
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX
Flight Class 64
Date of Birth 08/27/1938
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps
Served in Vietnam with HMM-362 in 65-66, AIR AMERICA in 71-73
Call signs in Vietnam CLIP CLOP, HOTEL
This information was provided by SSN search 090108

More detail on this person: Roger Kent Cook The Memorial Service For Roger Cook Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery San Antonio, TX February 3, 2003 It was an unseasonably warm day in the San Antonio area. Angels, Friends, and Family joined their hearts together to share the burden of sorrow and to offer their last memories, to honor a great American hero, Roger Cook. The beautifully manicured marble garden sat silently at attention. Thousands of white stones stood at well-tended, measured distances each marking the final resting place of another defender of America. Sam Houston National Cemetery was a fitting final resting place for heroes such as Roger. Only a short distance away is the Alamo where, in 1836, a menagerie of men, knowing their fate, had willingly crossed the line drawn in the sand by Col. Travis to make a stand for freedom. Beneath the canopy of the open-air chapel on the grounds, the solemn ceremony began with a call to ready for the rifle team to fire the salute. As the report of the volley concluded, the lonely sound of "Taps" being trumpeted loud and clear filled the silence and drifted over the field of stone. As the notes faded away, the presentation of the flag was made. Then his friends and Marines, both old and new, made personal tributes to Roger. Stories of Roger often brought a tear but just as often, laughter was heard in the crowd as Roger's exploits were remembered. Roger's last flight in an H-34 was on 30 August 2001 when he participated on a mission with the Flying Memorial Group. Roger was 1/8 Cherokee Indian and that weekend with the group, he made a connection with a portion of his culture. Near the close of the service Ms. Hail gave this tribute which was followed by a tape of Amazing Grace sung in the Cherokee language. It was a very moving and fitting tribute. TRIBUTE TO ROGER O si yo - Hello My name is Lillie Hail and I have the honor and privilege to travel thru out Oklahoma with my husband Gerald, Oklahoma's treasure the FLYING MEMORIAL YL-37 and the UGLY ANGELS OF HMM-362. From my Cherokee/Creek mother and great grandfather (who by the way didn't speak English) but read the Cherokee Bible faithfully. I learned these words. O-gi-do-da ga-lv-la-di-he-hi Our father, (who is in heaven) heaven dweller, we call on you today, our father to be with Rogers's family, friends and to all gathered here as we pay our respect and say our goodbye to Roger. When the call went out to join the YL-37 Group in a special event, he was there. Be it an interview, visiting a school to share a story like the one we just heard from Jack Lodge or joining a dance around the drum, he was there. To the various events he was always enthusiastic and had a happy heart. The last trip to Oklahoma was a special trip for him as it was for us. He enjoyed going to Tahlequah during the time of the fall festival, where the Cherokee Tribe, young and old come together as a nation of proud people to meet old acquaintances and reminisce about families and times gone by, to play games and dance around the drum. Roger said he was connecting with his Cherokee Indian roots. A Cherokee Warriors Memorial is being built in Tahlequah this spring and will have a special brick with Roger's name. As we express our sadness at the loss of a special angel may all be comforted in the knowledge that he is but on another journey with you our father. Till we meet again in heaven, I will finish by saying, Do Na do go hvi Until we meet again.

Burial information: Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, TX

This information was last updated 08/31/2017

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