More detail on this person: CREWS, GEORGE McNENY "MAC" CREWS, GEORGE McNENY "MAC", age 56, of Alabaster, Alabama, died July 9, 2005 after a brief battle with cancer. Mac was born January 5, 1949 in Alexandria, Virginia, but he spent most of his growing up years in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he was the state pole vaulting champion. After high school he served our country as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army and served a thirteen month tour in Korea. Upon release from military service, Mac earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering at N.C. State University, and later he earned a Master of Science degree in Polymer Science at Southern Mississippi University. He was a member of Calera United Methodist Church where he played guitar with the praise and worship band, Justified, and sang in the church choir. He also served for many years on the church's Finance Committee. He was an active member of the Living Waters Emmaus Community and the Kairos Prison Ministry. Mac was employed by McLeod Software in Birmingham.
This information was last updated 09/12/2017
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