More detail on this person: Got word from Al Ferrea last night that Dick Chilcoat died of cancer.
Dick was the last in-country commander of A Troop, taking command in May 1971 according to his bio
According to Al, burial will be at Arlington Cemetery on a date not yet announced.
I never knew Dick in Vietnam, but got to know him later when he was a three-star and the President
of the National Defense University in Washington. He was truly a gentleman and a scholar.
Richard A. Chilcoat: 42-year Army man was dean of Bush school at A&M, 12:00 AM CDT on Thursday,
March 18, 2010
COLLEGE STATION, Texas - Richard A. Chilcoat, former dean of the Bush School of Government and
Public Service at Texas A&M University, has died, Texas A&M announced Wednesday.
Lt. Gen. Chilcoat, who retired from the Army after 42 years of military service, died Tuesday in
College Station.
He was appointed the school's first permanent dean in July 2001. After stepping down as dean in
2008, Mr. Chilcoat held the position of executive professor.
"Dick Chilcoat exemplified public service at its finest," the school's namesake, George Bush, the
41st president, said in a prepared statement. "He won the respect of all who knew him."
Former Bush School Dean Chilcoat Dies, March 17, 2010 Featured Topics No Comments
Former dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service and holder of the Edward and
Howard Kruse Endowed Chair, Richard A. (Dick) Chilcoat, LTG, U.S. Army (Ret.) died Tuesday, March
16, in College Station.
Chilcoat was appointed the school's first permanent dean in July 2001. After stepping down as dean
in 2008, Chilcoat held the position of executive professor.
A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Chilcoat later earned an MBA from Harvard
University. During his 42 years of military service, he served in combat in Vietnam; had staff and
command tours of duty in the infantry, aviation, operations, and policy and strategy; and served as
executive assistant to Gen. Colin Powell during the First Gulf War. Chilcoat also directed and
facilitated the Army Strategic Leadership Course for army general officers, served as the 43rd
commandant of the United States Army War College and was appointed as the ninth president of the
National Defense University by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
"Dean Chilcoat's service at the Bush School mirrored his distinguished military career," said
current Dean Ryan Crocker. "The Bush School made remarkable advances during his tenure. It was a
time of great expansion and growth, and Dean Chilcoat played a significant role in advancing our
academic programs, including dual-degree programs in political science and economics; launching
innovative certificate programs in international affairs and public service and administration; and
strongly supporting the expansion of our research capabilities."
Executive Associate Dean Sam Kirkpatrick cited Chilcoat's leadership and outstanding interpersonal
skills as enabling the school's success. "It was largely due to Dick's leadership that the Bush
School was able to quickly become highly regarded and nationally ranked in a relatively short
period. His commitment to academic excellence strengthened our ability to develop and sustain high
quality programs, recruit distinguished faculty and excellent students, and attract the private and
public resources needed to sustain our dynamic growth."
Services are pending.
Memorial donations may be made to the Dean Dick Chilcoat Endowed Fellowship established at the
Texas A&M Foundation. Checks may be made payable to the "The George Bush School."Please note
in the memo line, In memory of Dick Chilcoat.
All donations may be addressed to: Director of Development, The Bush School of Government and
Public Service, Texas A&M University, 4220 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4220. Contact: Lane
Stephenson, News & Information Services, at (979) 845-4662
Lieutenant General RICHARD A. CHILCOAT, Retired 31 August 2000, SOURCE OF COMMISSIONED
SERVICE USMA, MILITARY SCHOOLS ATTENDED: Infantry Officer Advanced Course, United States
Army Command and General Staff College, National War College.
EDUCATIONAL DEGREES: United States Military Academy - BS Degree - No Major, Harvard
University - MBA Degree - Business Administration, FOREIGN LANGUAGE(S) None recorded.
PROMOTIONS DATES OF APPOINTMENT: 2LT 3 Jun 64, 1LT 3 Dec 65, CPT 3 Jan 67, MAJ 28 Jan
70, LTC 5 Oct 78, COL 1 Aug 84, BG 1 Apr 92, MG 1 Jul 95, LTG 25 Jul 97.
MAJOR DUTY ASSIGNMENTS (FROM TO ASSIGNMENT): Nov 64 Oct 65 Platoon Leader, Company
B, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington; Oct 65 Dec 65 S-3
(Air Operations), 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington; Dec 65
Oct 66 Student, Officer Fixed Wing Aviator Course, United States Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker,
Alabama; Oct 66 Jul 67 Commander, Fixed Wing Section, 138th Aviation (Radio Research) Company,
United States Army, Vietnam;Jul 67 Jan 68 S-2 (Intelligence), 224th Aviation (Radio Research)
Battalion, United States Army Vietnam
Lieutenant General RICHARD A. CHILCOAT; Mar 68 Jan 69 Commander, Fixed Wing Section, 207th
Aviation Company, United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany; Jan 69 Jun 69 Executive
Officer, 3d Battalion, 19th Infantry, later Deputy G3, 24th Infantry Division (Forward), United
States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany; Jun 69 Jul 70 Student, Infantry Officer Advanced
Course, United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; Nov 70 Apr 71 Assistant S-3
(Operations), 2d Brigade (Separate), 25th Infantry Division, United States Army, Vietnam; May 71 Oct
71 Commander, A Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Air Cavalry, later Commander, B Troop, 3d Squadron, 17th
Air Cavalry, United States Army, Vietnam; Oct 71 Dec 71 S-3 (Operations), 3d Squadron, 17th Air
Cavalry, United States Army, Vietnam; Dec 71 Jul 72 Training Literature Officer, United States Army
Combat Arms Training Board, Fort Benning, Georgia
Jul 72 Jun 74 Student, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts;Jun 74 Jul 77 Plans Program
Officer, Office of the Dean, later Assistant Professor/Social Sciences, United States Military
Academy, West Point, New York; Jul 77 Jun 78 Student, United States Army Command and General
Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Jun 78 May 79 Inspector, Office of the Inspector General,
United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany; May 79 Apr 81 Commander, 3d Battalion, 6th
Infantry, Berlin Brigade, United States Army Berlin; Apr 81 Jul 82 G3, Assistant Chief of Staff for
Operations, 2d Armored Division (Forward), United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany;
Jul 82 Jul 83 Strategic Policy Planner, J-5, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, DC
Jul 83 Jun 84 Student, National War College, Fort McNair, Washington, DC; Jun 84 Jun 87 Speech
Writer to the Chief of Staff, Army, Office of the Chief of Staff, United States Army, Washington,
DC; Jun 87 Jul 89 Commander, Devil Troop Brigade, 5th Infantry Division, Fort Polk, Louisiana; Aug
89 Jun 90 Chief of Staff, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany;
Jun 90 Jan 92 Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, The Joint Staff,
Washington, DC; Jan 92 Sep 93 Deputy Director, Strategy, Plans and Policy, Office of the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, United States Army, Washington, DC; Sep 93 Jul 94 Deputy
Commanding General, United States Army Training Center and Fort Jackson, Fort Jackson, South
Carolina; Jul 94 Jul 97 Commandant, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania;
Jul 97 Jul 00 President, National Defense University, Washington, DC.
Lieutenant General RICHARD A. CHILCOAT
SUMMARY OF JOINT ASSIGNMENTS Assignment Dates Grade: Strategic Policy Planner, J5, Office
of the Jul 82-Jul 83 Lieutenant Colonel; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, DC; Executive Assistant
to the Chairman of the Jun 90-Jan 92 Colonel; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, DC (no credit);
President, National Defense University, Jul 97-Jul 00 Lieutenant General; Washington, DC.
US DECORATIONS AND BADGES: Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service
Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (with Oak Leaf Cluster), Bronze Star Medal
(with Oak Leaf Cluster), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (with 2 Oak
Leaf Clusters), Air Medals, Army Commendation Medal (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Combat Infantryman
Badge, Senior Aviator Badge, Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification
Badge, Army Staff Identification Badge, As of 21 August 2008.
This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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