More detail on this person: My Dad was Commanding Officer of VMFA-115 flying the F-4B Phantom
out of Chu-Lai SVN in 1967. He was a helicopter pilot for HMX-1 in 1957-59 and flew for the
Executive Flight Detachment (Marine One) for President Eisenhower. He has had many hours in both
fixed wing and helicopters (H-34's and Hueys, et al) over his career. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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He had quite a stellar career. WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He retired a Full Colonel as Commanding
Officer of MCAS Quantico in 1976.
He passed away at the age of 82 from heart failure Feb, 27, 2008 and was buried with full military
honors that included a flyover.
One of the last of that great generation.
From: Ralph Campo