WO1 Richard P. Claeys was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 08/02/1982 at the age of 35.8 from Industrial accident
Grand Ledge, MI
Flight Class 70-43
Date of Birth 10/02/1946
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 192 AHC in 70-71
This information was provided by Janis Claeys (wife), Richard and Lauren Claeys, SSN search

More detail on this person: Mr. Claeys worked at a GM plant where they painted the cars and he and one other person were cleaning out an area where the paint/chemicals accumulated. There was a fan that was supposed to turn on to clear out the chemicals and make breathing possible, however as the two of them went down there it did not come on and they both died.

He died on Aug 2, 1980 while at work at Fisher Body (a portion of GM). He and two others were assigned to clean out the paint pit under one of the booths used to clean car bodies. He and one other entered the lower portion of the 14 foot pit, into the 3 feet of 'sludge' while the third held a light above. They immediately became light headed from the fumes; this caused them both to pass out and they then drowned in the sludge. The pit was not properly ventilated at the time so the combination of the solvents and lack of oxygen in the air caused the accident.

He was living in Grand Ledge MI at the time of his death with my mother (who was pregnant with me) and my brother (1 year old).

Thank you again for your time and we truly appreciate you updating the information for us.

From: Richard and Lauren Claeys

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

Please send additions or corrections to: VHPA Headquarters

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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