LTC Thomas M. Courtney was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 09/28/2006 at the age of 86.8 from Shot in war
Pensacola, FL
Date of Birth 11/24/1919
Served in the U.S. Air Force
This information was provided by Janie Courtney (wife)

More detail on this person: LTC Thomas Melvin Courtney Veteran of World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Shot down by enemy fire during the Vietnam War, he was the recipient of the Purple Heart. Preceded in death by his parents, E Erla Greggs and Edward M Courtney; one sister, Irene Wilmer; two brothers, David and Edward; and a son, Thomas L Courtney. Extracted from obituary in the Pensacola News Journal Burial: Body donated to medical science Specifically: University of Alabama

Burial information: Pine Crest Cemetery West, Mobile, AL

This information was last updated 09/06/2017

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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