CW2 Thomas R Carter was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 10/01/1979 at the age of 32.2 (Exact date not known.) from A/C accident
Prudenville, MI
Flight Class 68-23
Date of Birth 07/05/1947
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by Jeffrey Herigage, note from Joe Potvin

More detail on this person: A/C accident about 1980. Engine failure while flying Seismic boom for Evergreen. Served as a WO with the Bandit Platoon (Bandit 22, affectionately known as "Mad Dog") in 68-69. He later served in the Michigan National Guard. Thomas was killed in a Helicopter Accident while transporting seismographic equipment on a sling load when, on takeoff, the load caught in trees and brought the aircraft down. Tom's last address was 48224 Detroit, Wayne MI. He was interned at Houghton Lake, MI with full military honors and a fly-by conducted by the Michigan National Guard.

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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Date posted on this site: 08/31/2024

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