MAJ Peter A Cisarik was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 11/18/1975 at the age of 30.3 from Murdered
Aschaffenburg, Germany,
Flight Class 67-8
Date of Birth 07/31/1945
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 1 INF DIV in 67-68
This information was provided by Melodye Wolfe Cisarik Crawford (wife), SSN Deceased search

More detail on this person: Peter was in Vietnam from June 1967 until May 1968. He was with The Big Red One and flew C&C for General Emil Eschenburg. He accrued more than 1500 flight hours while in Vietnam and was in the Golden Dozen of Champions for that. We were stationed at Aschaffenburg, Germany from September 1974 through November 18, 1975. He was murdered by a soldier in his command during a field training exercise in Hessenthal. At the time he was Battery Commander of Service Battery.

From: Melodye Wolfe Cisarik Crawford

This information was last updated 08/29/2017

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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