CPT John Keath Coder was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 07/17/1992 at the age of 49.8 from Cancer
Des Moines, IA
Date of Birth 10/13/1942
Served in the U.S. Air Force
Served in Vietnam with 37 ARRS in 69-70
Call sign in Vietnam JOLLY GREEN
This information was provided by VHCMA USAFROTORHEADS

More detail on this person: BIOGRAPHY John's family moved to Des Moines when he was two years old . John graduated in 1960 from Roosevelt High School where he gained recognition as one of the area's top high school baseball players. He was also a member of the best basketball team in the state. John went on to Iowa State where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. Helater transferred to Drake University where John earned his Bachelor's Degree in 1965. John began dating a lovely and academically gifted fellow student by the name of Sydney Timmins, who was also a Roosevelt graduate. John and Syd were married July 17, 1965 John was a member of the Air Force R.O .T.C . while at Drake and following his marriage entered a 5-year tour of active duty in the Air Force. During this time John and Syd resided in Texas, California and North Dakota. While stationed in Grand Forks in 1968, flying B-52 bombers, John was notified that he was being assigned to a rescue helicopter division. This troubled John for two reasons. In the first place, he didn't know how to fly a helicopter. Secondly, he astutely observed that flying rescue missions hovering close to the ground over enemy territory in Viet Nam posed a much greater risk than flying bombers over the middle of North Dakota, which would probably be the last place on earth to warrant a military invasion . John immediately contacted his commander to find out if someone else could take his place. The commander promptly asked John if he could suggest the name of a logical replacement. It was then that John recognized that duty had called and clearly there was no further argument. John was patriotic, but above all, was never one to shirk a responsibility. Upon completion of his military tour of duty, John and Syd moved to Lawrence , Kansas where John earned an MBA Degree in accounting from the University of Kansas in 1972. Upon completion of his graduate studies, John accepted a job in St . Louis where he worked until 1974. The company planned to transfer John to Pennsylvania but, after John and Syd explored the area, they agreed that a move back to Des Hoines would be a wise choice as they were about to start their family. Shortly after their arrival, Missy was born and a little more than two years later, she was joined by Laura. If you live with honor and dignity you shall die with honor and dignity. We all take great comfort in knowing that John has died with the highest degree of honor and with utmost dignity. John, your presence will be sorely missed, but your memory and the legacy you leave with us will be cherished forever. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma

This information was last updated 07/31/2023

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