More detail on this person: Robert E. Cole served with the 6th Aviation Platoon in Korea during
the 1968-69 time frame. I remember him telling me that at one time he was in the Air Force and flew
Jet fighters. He developed some condition that hindered his ability to fly Jets, so he transferred ?
to the Army and went through flight school for Rotary wing aircraft. I was a crew chief and I flew
with him and the IP who gave him his in country orientation flight in the early part of 1968 around
April, if I remember correctly. He was a very fun person to talk to, because he had done so much. I
remember him as being older that all of the Officers in the unit. Burial information: Beaufort National Cemetery, Beaufort, SC
This information was last updated 12/12/2018
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From: Jimmy Sutterfield 1SG(RET)