More detail on this person: Flotation pontoon came off the skid and went trhough the main rotor
of a civilian helicopter flying offshore out of Houston, TX. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
Place of death: Arcola, TX
He is survivored by: Daughter: Robyn (Coons) Gaskamp, Austin, TX. As of 2007 has two
granddaughters: Ryan and Perry that I know he would be very proud of. A stepson: Scott Carter who
now has four children that I am sure Norm would have loved to have known and been a part of their
Norm graduated from Embry-Riddle with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He had done several
different jobs after leaving the Army but knew his first love was flying. He had only been back to
flying for a short time when a lack of routine / needed maintenance on the helicopter he was flying
caused it to lose a rotor which came through the door of the aircraft, hitting him in the head and
killing him instantly.
From: Myra (Coons) Wood (Norm's sister)
I have additional information to offer concerning my cousin Cpt. Norman R. Coons. Back in 1969 in
Phuc Vinh, Vietnam, as a still wet behind the years 20 year old WO1 Huey Pilot with Charlie 1/9, I
met Norman for his second tour as he came aboard Alpha Troop where he became the Red Team
Leader. Later at the conclusion of a sniffer or LRP Insertion/Extraction mission near the Fish Hook
area, we (Pink Team and Huey) gassed up in Tay Ninh and was able to see him with his unit. He
seemed highly regarded by all. I really looked up to him, but as distance cousins, hadn't really
know him much as an adult.
I have the complete accident report. (During long final approach back at the base after calling in,
front right cross tube broke at hanger, float pivoted upwards/lodged in Pilot's door frame, head
came off, rotor came through cockpit right through Norm's seat. Witnesses stated it looked like it
blew up. Caused by missing AD inspection due to maintenance records mistake.)
From: Nick Miller