CW4 William L. Dunsmore was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 02/04/2010 at the age of 60.8
University Place, WA
Flight Classes 69-27 and 69-25
Date of Birth 04/18/1949
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by Christina Dunsmore (daughter), SSN search Sep 2010

More detail on this person: William `Mike' Dunsmore


Mike was an Army helicopter pilot. He flew Huey's in the Vietnam War and continued on in a variety of helicopter flying assignments to include being the commander's pilot for the 2d Army Cavalry Regiment in Germany and for I Corps at Fort Lewis. At the end of the Fort Lewis assignment, Mike retired as a Chief Warrant Officer (CWO4) and settled with his wife Joanne and their daughter Christina in Steilacoom. They build a house on Marietta and have been one of the few to remain on that street since that part of Steilacoom was opened for development.

Mike had a natural talent in carpentry, plumbing and other building maintenance. Using these skills, he was the co-owner of Evergreen Property Management and developed a very profitable business. In addition, Mike built decks that were a model for the industry.

He was a Charter member of the Kiwanis Club of Steilacoom (July, 1993) and maintained his membership continuously until his death. He was never very active in regular meetings, as his business required him to be at work early in the morning. Mike supported the club where he could. He was called on many times to practice his carpentry and maintenance skills on Paint Tacoma/Pierce County Beautiful projects.

Also, Mike was a charter member of the Steilacoom Citizens Fireworks Committee. He handled the Rigney Neighborhood for many years developing a program that increased total donations year after year. Every 4th of July, Mike provided and put up the Fireworks Committee Tent at the corner of Lafayette and Wilkes where the Committee sold T-shirts and collected donations,

For at least 15 years, Mike was a member of the Steilacoom Public Safety Advisory Board. He was highly respected for his advice and work. Chief Bob Drozynski and Officer Larry Whalen were scheduled to present Mike with a plaque this coming Saturday for his service on the Board.

Mike was a long-time member of the Steilacoom Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Over ten years ago, he took responsibility for the Chamber's Town-wide Garage Sale, better known to some as Garage Sale Saturday. This entailed making the map that had all registered garage sale sites located. To ensure each site was correctly located, Mike visited each one. Then set up a station at the downtown tennis courts to hand out the maps. He did this yearly until his health gave out a couple of years ago.

For 4 years, Mike has been in failing health that required many hospital periods at Madigan. Regardless, when he was up to the task, Mike continued to participate in and support the institutions of his Town of Steilacoom. Mike loved Steilacoom and his many friends in the Town. Mike gave more to Steilacoom than it was possible for the Town to give back to him.

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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