More detail on this person: He was cropdusting banana plantations somewhere in Central America
and hit the only power line within 20 miles. So I was told. I'll check the Kingsmen net and see if
anyone can remember his callsign. His HOR was somewhere in TX, I do remember that much. I wrote
his parents shortly after I got the news.
From: Mike Pate This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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DeGeer was in my flight school class, 70-47 and 71-1. He was from a small company town in the Texas
Panhandle, Phillips, TX. As the name implies, Phillips Petroleum Started the town. There was a
large fire at the refinery years ago and the town went away. DeGeer, which is what we always called
him, was a good person. I hated to hear of his passing.
From: George Bryant, 61st AHC 71-72
I'm William Donald DeGeer III (Don's) sister. His date of death was 22 Sep 1972. I think his call
sign was "Shifty". He died in Nicaragua.
From: Diane DeGeer