More detail on this person: Lauren S. "Larry" Davis DAVIS, LAUREN S. "Larry" Lt. Col. USA (Ret.) On Tuesday, September 3, 2002. Beloved husband of Violeta Davis; father of Lauren S. Davis, Jr., Anne Hopper, Bob, Ralph and Marnie. Also survived by two sisters, Dallerie Davis and Kayla Clark; and two grandchildren, Huckleberry Hopper and Katie Hopper. Friends may call at the EVERLY-WHEATLY FUNERAL HOME, 1500 W. Braddock Rd., Alexandria, VA on Thursday, September 5, 2002 from 5 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held on October 1, 2002, 10:45 a.m. at Fort Myer Chapel. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions should be sent to the Class of 1953 Gift Fund, USMA Class of 1953, AOG Office of Class Giving, 698 Mills Road, West Point, NY 10996-1607. Lauren S. Davis 1953 Cullum No. 19173 o Sep 03, 2002 o Died in Alexandria, VA Interred in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA View Memorial Gift Donors ________________________________________ Lauren Steve Davis was born to Gleva and Lauren Davis in a log cabin that still stands in Belle Fourche, SD. Gleva died when "Larry" was young, as a result of injuries she suffered in an automobile accident. Larry's father sent him to Roosevelt Military Academy in Aledo, IL, from which he graduated in 1946. Upon returning home, when his father had him hoe potatoes on the "south forty," Larry decided it was time to join the Army. It was evident to his superiors that Larry was officer material, and he was selected for Officer Candidate School. He graduated in 1947 and was commissioned an Infantry second lieutenant. His most challenging assignment during this period was as the XO and platoon leader in the 45 th Infantry Regiment (Philippine Scouts), during which time the guerrillas put a price on his head. During his time in the Philippines, Larry received a congressional appointment to the Academy. His West Point graduate regimental commander highly recommended that he go, and acting on the recommendation, Larry enrolled at the USMA preparatory school to prepare for his entrance to the Academy with the Class of '53. A member of Company B-2, Larry graduated in the top third of his class. Despite his academic standing, the absolute best thing that happened to him during his cadet years was meeting his future bride, Violeta Bosch, courtesy of a classmate. Graduating from West Point on 2 Jun 1953, he again was commissioned as an Infantry second lieutenant. Larry earned the Parachutist Badge and Army Ranger Tab after graduation and always said Airborne School was tougher than Ranger School. He served in the 12th Infantry Regiment in Germany from 1954-56, but in October 1954, he flew to New York City to convince Vi to marry him. Marriage, however, wasn't a foregone conclusion for Vi, and a lot of groveling by Larry was required to convince her he was worthy. She eventually succumbed to the Davis charm, and they were married at the West Point Chapel on 6 Nov 1954. Their first child, Lauren Steve, Jr., was born in 1955, while they were assigned to Gelnhausen, Germany. In 1956, Larry was sent to the 47th Infantry Regiment at Ft. Carson, CO, where his first daughter, Ann Sherrill, was born in 1956. Larry served there until 1957, when he decided to become an Army aviator. Larry packed up the family and went to Camp Gary, San Marcos, TX, for the first phase of flight school. Their second son, Robert Gary, was born there later that year. After earning his wings, Larry and the family moved to Ft. Benning, where he graduated from the Advanced Course in 1959. His next assignment was his first aviation assignment, serving as Operations Officer and XO for the 17th Aviation Company at Ft. Ord, CA. He then became the assistant operations officer for the 52d Transportation Battalion. Their fourth child, Ralph Bosch, was born in 1959. From 1961-62, Larry served on the Eighth Army staff in Seoul, Korea. From there, the Davis' next adventure was Ft. Rucker, AL, and the Aviation Test Board during 1962-65. As a family, this was probably their most enjoyable assignment. Their fifth child, Margaret Louise (Marnie), was born there. The family spent the summer of 1965 driving the Alaskan-Canadian Highway to get to their next assignment at Ft. Wain-wright. There, Larry headed the 171st Aviation Company. Vi and the kids were able to persevere through the Alaskan winter, but less than a year after their arrival, Larry was ordered to Viet Nam. Larry relocated the family to Highland Falls, NY; left before the movers came, and arrived in Viet Nam in May 1966. He served as Operations Officer and XO for the 228th Aviation Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division. After his return to the States in 1967, Larry and the family moved to Norfolk, VA, for the Armed Forces Staff College and some much-needed time together. In 1968, the family moved to Ft. McPherson and Third Army Headquarters. The family stayed in Atlanta when Larry went to war again, serving as the deputy commanding officer, 12th Aviation Group (Combat). After a joyous reunion, it was time to move again-for the last time. At Ft. Belvoir, VA, Larry served as chief of the Air Mobility Branch and Combat Developments Officer, in the Combat Developments Command. Larry retired as a lieutenant colonel in April 1974. During his career, Larry was awarded the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star with two oak leaf clusters, Air Medal with nine oak leaf clusters, Meritorious Service Medal with oak leafcluster, Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, WWII Victory Medal, Army of Occupation Medal, National Defense Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, Vietnamese Service Medal with five campaigns, Republic ofViet Nam Campaign Medal, Meritorious Unit Citation, Republic ofViet Nam Honor Medal First Class, and Republic of Viet Nam Cross of Gallantry with Palm. After retirement, Larry joined the Association of American Railroads and was chief of the mechanical division, retiring a second time in 1994. Shortly before he died, he converted to Catholicism and was baptized and confirmed at the same time. Larry and Marnie developed a special bond in these later years, and the entire family appreciated Marnie as she helped Vi on a daily basis with Larry's long-term illness. Larry peacefully joined the Long Gray Line in the presence of his loving family at his home, after a long, brave battle. Rev. Dr. Bob Blum anointed his friend hours before his death. Larry was a dedicated and faithful husband, a loving and caring father, a loyal friend, a genuinely nice guy, and a first-class gentleman. We miss him every day. His loving family
Burial information: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
This information was last updated 10/04/2017
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