More detail on this person: My father Alton
(Alex)Alexander Dean, Jr. was not killed in
Vietnam. He committed suicide (assumably due to
PTSD) about 5 years after he returned. I was three
years old. Recently my brother (2yrs younger than
I) and I have been trying to discover more about
this man we never had the opportuninty to know.
Can your service help us even though he was not
killed in Vietnam? If in case yes, let me give you
what information that I do have about him. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
Please send additions or corrections to: VHPA Headquarters
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He was attatched to the 180th Assault Helicopter
Support Division from sometime in 1969 to
sometime in early 1971. (this would make his
commanding officer LTC Francis Worth. He
attended flight school in Ft. Wolters, TX and
graduated with class 68-7 a-1. He rank at time of
discharge was (I believe Captain). During his
actual time in Vietnam he was an Lt. We do know
that he received several medals(Bronze Star,
Distinguished Flying Cross) just to name two. He
was involved in several resue missions which he
had received several awards for (I am unsure about
specifics on these I am still waiting for records
from NARA.)
Larson Dean-Biehl
I knew Alex Dean, though not in Vietnam. We
served together in the 349th Avn Co flying Ch34's
at Ansbach, Germany between Vietnam tours.
Great guy, excellent pilot. Always had a smile on
his face, and he never met a person that was not
his friend. I would be happy to relate what I
remember about Alex outside of Vietnam if his sons
are interested.
From: Gene Howe