CW2 Dennis C Dilg was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 05/15/1973 at the age of 28.3 (Exact date not known.) from Auto accident
Flight Class 66-15
Date of Birth 02/04/1945
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 3 BDE 1 CAV in 66-67
This information was provided by John J. LaDue, Emory Al Eason

More detail on this person: In browsing through the DAT list, I saw my old flight school classmate, Dennis C. Dilg, listed as having passed away. Denny and I were in basic training together at Ft. Polk, starting in Nov. 1965, and later went on to flight school together at Ft. Wolters in !966. After our tours in RVN were over, we were both stationed back at Wolters. With that said, Denny's tour in RVN was from 1966 to 1967, and not as shown on the DAT list as being from !965 to 1966.

From: John J. LaDue at slngwng@yahoo.com

Burial information: Coeur d'Alene Memorial Gardens, ID

This information was last updated 03/27/2018

Please send additions or corrections to: HQ@vhpa.org VHPA Headquarters

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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