More detail on this person: Early Christmas morning 2018, Emory Allen Eason III took his final flight to meet with some Vietnam buds and cherished family members. 'Big Al' was a retired Military Veteran and was a distinguished and highly decorated helicopter pilot. He received the prestigious Silver Star and 3 Distinguished Flying Cross Medals, plus numerous other military awards. In his personal life he leaves behind his grieving widow JoAnn, and six children whom he stepped in to embrace as his own. Additionally there are several grandchildren who will miss 'Poppa's' presence in their lives. He will also be sorely missed by surviving siblings and lifelong friends. Al had Life Membership with the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association and MOAA. He was a member of the Pinellas Daylight 385 Masons lodge, a member of the American Legion, Post 0008 in Winter Haven where he served as a service officer, and a member of the Army Aviation Association of America. He also donated his platelets to the Red Cross on a monthly basis. No funeral is planned at this time but a memorial service will be held at the internment of his ashes in Arlington National Cemetery.
Burial information: Arlington National Cemetery
This information was last updated 12/27/2018
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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025
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