WO1 James B. Everitt was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 01/19/1976 at the age of 30.7 from A/C accident
Flight Class 67-9
Date of Birth 05/24/1945
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 1 CAV in 67-68
This information was provided by Cyndie Rexer (sister), SSN deceased search

More detail on this person: He was working for Petroleum Helicopter after discharge, servicing oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Had a loan chopper when he went down, upside down, on the last marshy island going out into the Gulf.

Survivors: Cliff Everitt, father, Topeka, KS; Cyndie Rexer, sister, Topeka, KS

From: Cyndie Rexer

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

Please send additions or corrections to: HQ@vhpa.org VHPA Headquarters

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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