More detail on this person: Long line caught in tair rotor caused accident in UH-1H in Hawaii. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
From: Gary Freeman (Blueghost 68-69)
I find this email extremely hard to write but I must inform the BlueGhost 1969 of the passing of
Gary Freeman. On May 22, 2003 while piloting a UH-1H helicopter on the island of Kahoolawe in
Hawaii, Gary suffered mechanical failure and crashed. The helicoper burned in a post impact fire. It
appears now, that a "longline" that was attached to the hook became entangled in the tailrotor with
the subsiquent loss of the main rotor blades due to "mast bumping". Gary was recovered late
yesterday afternoon and a small ceremony was held upon his final flight to Maui. His body was draped
in the flag of our nation as he was honored with respect from his fellow pilots and friends and
former VET'S. The Police Dept. Chaplin held a short ceremony shortly after Gary's arrival back at
the hangar. As more information is available I will post to the Blueghost site.
From: Mike McDonald (Blueghost 42),