More detail on this person: Col Carroll Morris Fyffe THE ELLIOTT COUNTY NEWS, December 24, 1999 FYFFE, Carroll Morris 1936 - 1999 Ret. Col. Carroll Morris Fyffe, 63, of Sierra Vista, Arizona, passed away Thursday, December 2. Ret. Col. Fyffe was born November15, 1936, at Louisa, a son of Virginia Morris Fyffe of Ashland and the late Claude Fyffe. He was a graduate of Maysville High School and Eastern Kentucky State College, he retired from the Army in 1988 with 30 years service. He received several commendations including the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart and the Legion of Honor Bronze Medallion from the Chapel of the Four Chaplains He was a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and was the charter chapter commander No. 572 of Sierra Vista,Department of Arizona Commander, Region III, Nation Commander of the Purple Heart, a life member of TROA and was president in the local chapter and vice president of the Council of Chapters. He was amember of the advisory council at Tucson VA Medical Center and University Hospital and was a member of the Arizona Veterans Service Commission and chairman from 1979-1999. He was also a member of Sen.John McCain's and Rep. Jim Kolbe's Veteran Advisory Counc il, the King Solomon Lodge No. 5, F&AM, Tombstone, Arizona, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J. USA, Past National Commanders, the American Legion and Distinguished Flying Cross Society and was a Kentucky colonel. Additional survivors include his wife, Nancy Fyffe; one son, Joseph Fyffe of Colorado Springs, Colorado; one daughter, Jane Wehner of Tucson, Arizona; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Monday, December 6, at the Fort Huacha (sic) Main Post Chapel with Chaplain Young Kim officiating. Burial was in the Cochise Memory Gardens (note: burial was in the Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery), in Sierra Vista, Arizona, under the direction of Hatfield Funeral Home, in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Full military honors was observed. Burial (original) was in the Cochise Memory Gardens, in Sierra Vista, Arizona, under the direction of Hatfield Funeral Home, in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Full military honors were observed. On December 3, 2002, Ret. Col. Fyffe was honored as being the first person buried in the Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Sierra Vista, AZ. Full military honors were observed. Final burial information: Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Sierra Vista, AZ
Burial information: Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Sierra Vista, A
This information was last updated 09/24/2021
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