LTC Gary "Flower" Sterling Fowler, LTC was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 07/19/2023 at the age of 72.8
Crandall, TX
Flight Class 69-47
Date of Birth 10/11/1950
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with C/229 AVN 1 CAV in 70-71
Call sign in Vietnam FLOWER
This information was provided by Dan Tyler - Obit

More detail on this person: LTC (ret'd) Gary S Fowler, a life member of VHPA, passed away peacefully at his home in Greenville, TX, on July 19th, 2023. He was born on October 11th, 1950, in Hackensack, NJ, to Sterling Edwin and Elizabeth Fowler, and graduated from Valley Forge Military Academy. He entered the Army in February 1969, and completed Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviator Course 69-47 at Hunter AAF. Ft Stewart, GA. Gary served as a UH-1H pilot in C/229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam from March 1970-1971 - including the Cambodian Incursion. His awards included the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, and numerous Air Medals. Following his tour in Vietnam, he completed a Criminal Justice degree at the University of Nebraska-Omaha under the Army's "boot strap" program. After graduation, he transferred into the USMC, completed Marine OCS and Navy Flight School, and flew fast movers for a short time until a back injury forced him back into the Rotary Wing world. Gary transferred back into the US Army Aviation Branch, retiring as an O-5 in the late 1990's. He played an important role in developing the Army's NVG training program, later flew sensitive missions in Central America, and was a member of the US military team supervising the dismantling of the USSR's nuclear arsenal. After retiring from the Army, he worked as a contract Blackhawk pilot and was wounded in action during the Columbian drug wars. He was recalled to active duty after 9-11 and served in the Pentagon for several years - working mainly in G-3. He was one of the architects of a crucial helicopter assault designed to seize two important bridges on the main route from Kuwait into Baghdad before the retreating Iraqis could blow them. He was then assigned as the air mission commander of that successful mission in the early hours of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Following his second retirement after 24 years active duty, Gary moved to north Texas to be near his children. Gary's hobbies included golf and drag racing. He kept the prized Camaro he bought while in primary flight training at Ft Wolters, TX, his entire life. In addition to his parents, Gary was predeceased by two wives. He is survived by his son Paul, his daughter Channon, and his grandson Brennan.

This information was last updated 08/10/2023

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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