More detail on this person: Carl " Rock " Fallquist died November 16, 2004 after a long battle
with heart diease and diabetes. Rock attended Flight Class 66-17/66-15 and served two tours in
Vietnam, the first 67-68 with the 128th AHC and the second 69-70 with the 361st ACE as a
maintainance officer. Though not in good health, upon being located by his fellow Panthers, Rock
joined VHPA and attended several Reunions. He made plans to come to the Dallas Reunion but was
forced to cancel due to his health.
Rock was a good guy, great pilot and outstanding maintenance officer. His A&D includes atleast one
DFC and numerous awards of the Air Medal. At the time of his death Rock was an ordained minister
and resided in Goshen Indiana. He will be missed.
Survivors: Two children, Susan and Thomas, two grandchildren and one sister, Linda.
From: Mike Sheuerman
This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025
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