MAJ Charles W. Fleischer was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 04/25/2009 at the age of 64.3
Vacaville, CA
Flight Classes 68-20 and 68-34
Date of Birth 01/02/1945
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps
This information was provided by SSN search Jan 2010

More detail on this person: Charles W. Fleischer Jr. Maj. Charles W. Fleischer, Jr. (USMC, Ret.) of Vacaville, CA lost his fight with cancer early Saturday morning, April 25, but to the very end he fought like a Marine. Chuck, our Dad, was born in Douglas, Arizona to a then Army Air Corps family. Because his father continued to serve his country after World War II, Chuck saw a lot of the world growing up, but even that was not enough, for in 1967, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. To see the rest of the world, he earned his wings as a helicopter pilot -- CH-46s -- fought for his country in Vietnam and then continued to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic." While serving as a career officer in the Marine Corps, he lived in Southern California, Texas, Georgia, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Okinawa. Chuck ultimately retired in Hawaii in 1986 as a major. He was awarded a Silver Star, a Distinguished Flying Cross, and a Purple Heart while serving in Vietnam. In his retirement he went back to the game of his youth, Football (soccer). He began refereeing and earned quite a reputation for requiring all (including parents) to abide by the laws of the game. During the course of his refereeing career, he not only refereed games here in the United States, but refereed games internationally -- some five thousand games in all. And when he was not out on the Football Pitch, Chuck would fix anything. He loved to tinker, to work on his cars and remodel his house. He even loved to sail, but most of all, he loved to fly. In addition to his wife, Liga, Chuck is survived by his father, Lt. Col. Charles W. Fleischer, Sr. (USAF, Ret); sister, Gretchen L. Fleischer; brother, Jeff D. Fleischer; two sons, Charles W. Fleischer, III, married to Dace Fleischer, their daughter and his grand daughter, Veronika M. Fleischer; and Alexander R. Fleischer. Maj. Charles W. Fleischer, Jr. (USMC, Ret.) will be interred at the Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia.

Burial information: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

This information was last updated 11/06/2017

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