CPT Michael J Flannery was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 09/05/1976 at the age of 33.1 from Cardiac Arrest
Fayetteville, AR
Flight Classes 68-510 and 68-16
Date of Birth 07/24/1943
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by SSN Deceased search

More detail on this person: Flannery, Michael J City Man, 33, 5 Electrocuted i i , \ i J Michael John Flannery, 33, of r 2036 Cllne Ave. was pronounced - ''dead on arival early Sunday ^"morning at Washington Reg- '1onal Medical Center following v an electrical accident at his A·'A·'home. . A·-'.'A· Authorities said thai Flajinery . s ;died from cardiac arrest as the result of electrical shock. He -A·A·was pronounced oead al 12:Q8 . - .am. Sunday. --.- The authorities said that, 1 according to family members, ."FJnnnery was shocked as ho attempted to unplug an electric ^-A·clothes dryer al a 220 volt outlet -In the garage al his residence. Emergency Medical Service A·-{EMS) technicians began card' ilppulmonary rcsusitalion on .-FJanncry as soon as they .-".arrived on the scene and called ', for a police unit. Patrolman /'Mark Whatlcy then drove the '-. ambulance lo the hosiJlta , ' w h i l e the two EMS technicians attempted to revive Flannery. ,. Further attempts al Ihe hospi- '.; tal's emergency r o o m failed, authorities said. Flannery was born July 2J, r 1943 at Astoria, N.Y., the son of Michael Joseph and Ann " -Delhi Flannery. He served four years In the U.S. Army, was '' a graduate stua'ent nt the University of Arkansas and was A·A· a member of St. Paul's Epis- A· copal Church. Survivors Include the wjdow, Mrs. M a r g a r e t Taylor Flannery of Ihe home: two daughters. Michelle Elaine and Mara Janelte, both of Ihe . home; his parent* of Astoria, ' N.Y. ano' a sister, Mrs. Joseph Patrick McKernon of Astoria. :A·A·A·' Funeral service wijl be at 10 t,m. Wednesday at St. Paul's Episcopal Church with burial in the National Cemetery under "direction of Moore's Capel

Burial information: Fayetteville National Cemetery, Fayetteville, AR

This information was last updated 05/09/2018

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