LTC Robert E Flickinger was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 04/02/1999 at the age of 67.4 from Diabetes
Glasgow, KY
Date of Birth 11/09/1931
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by Karen Black (daughter)

More detail on this person: Robert Edward Flickinger Name: Robert Edward Flickinger Residence: Glasgow, KY Died: Friday, 2 April 1999, T. J. Samson Hospital, Glasgow, age 67. Born: Montoursville, PA Son of: Roy Howard Flickinger and Sarah Geraldine Eckard Flickinger, decd. Occupation: Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U S Army serving in Vietnam (US Army Corps of Eingeers) for over 22 years. Church: Bethany Luthern in Montoursville, PA Organizations: Active in the High School Athletic Association and was a Master Pilot with the U S Army, flew for the Presidential staff of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Survivors: Wife: Shirley Flickinger Sons: James of Glasgow; William "Bill" of Savannah, GA; Dennis of Temple Hill, KY and Michael of Homer, IL. Daughter: Karen Lee Black of Somerset, KY Brother: Gerald "Jerry" Flickinger of Rochester, NY Sisters: Mary Ellen Schaaf of Ft. Myers, FL and Patricia Haaarris of Boiling Springs, PA 14 grandchildren, 6 step-grandchildren. Services: Monday, 5 April 1999, 2 pm, A. F. Crow & Son Funeral Home, Glasgow, military services by the 1st BN on the 623rd Field Artillery of Glasgow, burial Glasgow Municipal Cemetery.

Burial information: Glasgow Community Cemetery, Glasgow, KY

This information was last updated 11/07/2017

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