More detail on this person: An Alloutte III helicopter crash app. 40 miles east of Santa Cruz,
Bolivia. (see NTSB # MIA99WA024)1975 in Grants Pass, Oregon where we were both employed with
Inland Helicopters. We were working U.S. Forest Service fire contracts throughout the west. I
remember that John wore his old APH-4 military helmet that had a bullet hole in it. The round had
entered above his right eye, exited out the top, and had taken some of his hair on the way through.
is neck had taken such a wrench, he never stopped complaining about it. According to John, the
incident occurred on his first combat assault while riding Peter Pilot.
John always had a good story to tell and was a good "stick" to fly with. I believe he was up north
in I Corps. We will miss him.
From: Steve Dillman, Gunslinger 39, 1967.
This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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