More detail on this person: UH-1B mid-air 2 weeks from graduation at Ft. Rucker with WOC D.W.
Strickland. In other UH-1B was WOC C.E. Cady and L.A. Pool. This information was last updated 11/08/2017
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George started out in class 67-25 at Wolters and was recycled to 68-1. At Rucker he was in 68-503
and was recycled to 68-505, I have no knowledge of him being recycled to 68-3 but I guess that was
possible. The accident took place at the IP for TAC 1 airfield. 505 graduated 4 Jun so the accident
occurred a little bit over three weeks before graduation. I was also in 68-1, 68-503 and 68-505, I
was recycled because I was grounded for three weeks I have no idea why George was recycled 2 (3?)
times. The rumor at the time was that his dad had political connections but I have no idea if that
was based on fact.
From: Keith Alleger